Jumat, 06 April 2012

Newton's Second Law

"Change of motion is proportional to the force applied, and take place along the straight line the force acts."
Newton's second law for the gravity force - weight - can be expressed as
F = m g         (1)
F = force (weight)
m = mass
g = acceleration of gravity
The force caused by gravity - g - is called weight. Note! Mass - m - is a property.
The acceleration of gravity can be observed by measuring the change of velocity of a free falling object:
g = dv / dt         (2)
dv = change in velocity
dt = change in time
A dropped object accelerate to a speed of 9.81 m/s or 32.174 ft/s in one second.

Acceleration of Gravity in SI Units

g = 9.81 m/s2

Acceleration of Gravity in Imperial Units

g = 32.174 ft/s2

Velocity and Distance Traveled of a Free Falling Object

The velocity of a free falling object can be expressed as:
v = g t         (3)
v = velocity
The distance traveled by a free falling object can be expressed as:
s = 1/2 g t2         (4)
s = distance traveled by the object
The velocity and distance traveled by a free falling object:
Velocity Distance
m/s km/h ft/s mph m ft
1 9.8 35.3 32.2 21.9 4.9 16.1
2 19.6 70.6 64.3 43.8 19.6 64.3
3 29.4 106 96.5 65.8 44.1 144.8
4 39.2 141 128.7 87.7 78.5 257.4
5 49.1 177 160.9 110 122.6 402.2
6 58.9 212 193.0 132 176.6 579.1
7 68.7 247 225.2 154 240.3 788.3
8 78.5 283 257.4 176 313.9 1,029.6
9 88.3 318 289.6 198 397.3 1,303.0
10 98.1 353 321.7 219 490.5 1,608.7
Note! The velocity is achieved without any aero-dynamical resistance (vacuum). The air resistance will be significant for higher velocities or for object with large surface area to mass ratio - feathers or similar.

Newton's First Law

"Every body continues in a state of rest or in a uniform motion in a straight line, until it is compelled by a force to change its state of rest or motion."

Newton's Third Law

"To every action there is always an equal reaction - if a force acts to change the state of motion of a body, the body offers a resistance equal and directly opposite to the force."

Common Expressions

  • superimposed loads: kN/m2
  • mass loads: kg/m2 or kg/m3 
  • stress: N/mm2
  • bending moment: kNm
  • shear: kN
1 N/mm = 1 kN/m
1 N/mm2 = 103 kN/m2
1 kNm = 106 Nmm

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